Diet for gastritis

Diet for gastritis: What to eat and what not to eat?

Gastritis is one of the most common diseases of our time. Frequent snacks and meals on the run, a variety of fast foods, poisoning from poor quality food - all of these can trigger gastritis. This is probably the reason why so many people suffer from stomach ailments nowadays. But how to deal with them?

For this, it is not necessary to constantly take the drug, what is important in treatment is a correct and well-chosen diet, which will not irritate the mucosa and aggravate the disease, but at the same time willfill up. body with all the necessary macronutrients and vitamins.

vegetable puree soup cure gastritis

Basic Rules

The main task of the diet for gastritis is to adhere to a diet that ensures normal digestion. The gastritis treatment table (every day) should include:

  • 90-100 gr. squirrels (and 60% animals),
  • 50-80 gr. fat (75% animal)
  • 300-320 gr. carbohydrates.

Nutritional rules for gastritis:

  1. Knowledge of metrics. With gastritis, the saying "after a meal should leave a light feeling of hunger" is more relevant than ever. Firstly, the feeling of fullness only appears 10-15 minutes after eating, secondly, the full stomach does not respond well to its functions, especially with gastritis.
  2. Diet. First, you should monitor your food intake (at the same time). Secondly, with gastritis, food should be divided, 4-5 times a day, but at the same time it is necessary to refuse snacking (they stimulate the secretion of "excess" gastric juices and reduce production during breakfast /lunch/dinner, this violates the process of food processing and assimilation). You should completely exclude reading while eating, watching TV and "running on the go".
  3. Rest after eating. After each meal, you need to lie down for 15-20 minutes (not necessarily sleeping in). You can read books or listen to music.
  4. Chew the food. Prolonged chewing of food (at least 25-30 seconds for each piece) contributes to a more mechanical processing of food, which greatly facilitates the work of the sick stomach. In addition, hunger in this case is met more quickly (helps to prevent overeating). Refuse complicated dishes

The total energy value should be 2200-2800 kcal.

Highly acidic nutrition

With this form of gastritis, it is recommended to apply a diet aimed at regulating the heat and mechanics of the stomach, as well as reducing gastric secretion.

Products allowed:

  • casseroles, cheesecakes, dumplings, cheesecakes baked in the oven;
  • milk, especially with tea, all kinds of fermented dairy products, including yogurt and yogurt, grated fresh cheeses;
  • fish, meat or chicken soup cooked in a grain broth;
  • dry white crackers, vegetables and butter, milk soup with cereal or pasta;
  • steamed omelettes, eggs in bags, vegetable dishes in the form of mashed potatoes, puddings, soups, weak teas, sweet fruits and berries in the form of jelly, cream and mixes;
  • veal, lean beef, chicken in the form of meatballs, pudding, zraz, steamed cutlets (1-2 times / week, allowed to eat lean boiled meat in pieces).

Prohibited products:

  • Mushroom broth and meat;
  • gas drink;
  • smoked meat with spices;
  • raw vegetables, pickles, pickles, spiced snacks, lemonade;
  • black bread.

The aim of the diet is to aggravate gastritis with high acidity in order to normalize the functioning of the intestines and stomach, limiting thermal, chemical and mechanical stimuli.

Food pyramid for gastritis

Nutrition with low acidity

The aim of the diet for gastritis with low acidity is to stimulate (moderate) the production of gastric juice as well as save the mechanics of the stomach.

Prohibited foods for acid-reducing gastritis:

  • limit barley pearls, legumes, millet;
  • fresh bread, baked goods (food "heavy" for the stomach, complicating chemical and mechanical processing);
  • oily and salted fish;
  • raw vegetables and fruits (white cabbage, radishes, radishes, cucumbers, bell peppers), mushrooms;
  • fatty meat, meat with film (film), canned food, smoked meat (mechanical incomplete food processing, excess release of hydrochloric acid);
  • spicy and salty cheeses, milk - neutralizes hydrochloric acid;
  • berries with grain or thick skin (raspberries, strawberries, red currants, gooseberries, figs);
  • spices and herbs (stimulating the gastric mucosa), as well as chocolate, grape juice, alcohol;
  • lard, beef, lamb (not absorbed due to low hydrochloric acid production, difficult to digest product).

Food should be taken after the onset of hydrochloric acid secretion, i. e. in the early stages (food advertisements or programs, beautiful pictures of food, "delicious" conversations that can stimulate gastric secretions. ).

Diet for gastritis in the acute stage

Particular attention should be paid to the diet for gastritis in the acute stage. The product requirements are the same as for all of these pathologies, but more stringent.

In the acute form of the disease, it is recommended:

  • low-fat cheese;
  • yesterday's white bread and no cakes or muffins;
  • lean boiled pork belly puree or finely chopped;
  • soups exclusively for vegetable broth;
  • non-acidic mixes and agar;
  • soft-boiled eggs or in the form of a steamed omelet;
  • pureed vegetables from the baby food range, it is also good to borrow fish puree from a baby jar;
  • unsweetened tea or infusion.

During the period of immediate recovery from the menu, they are completely excluded:

  • products with preservatives, flavor enhancers and artificial colors;
  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • milk and any dairy products;
  • all pastries, except yesterday's bread;
  • margarine, cooking oil and butter;
  • pearl barley;
  • legumes and beans.

In addition, all general restrictions on the products themselves and their preparation methods remain in effect. Usually, the crisis passes in 3-4 days, after which the diet becomes more varied, in line with general recommendations for patients with gastritis.

Sample menu for a week

To get an impression of the diet, you can go through the 1 week gastritis diet menu with recipes. Have a clear segmented diet schedule: eat several times a day. Such food for a week looks appealing and fulfills energy needs thanks to its well-thought-out calorie content.

1 day:

  • Breakfast - buckwheat, milk soup, tea.
  • Second breakfast - 1 glass of sweet oat broth.
  • Lunch - sticky rice soup, spaghetti with beef balls, boiled carrots and peas, cocoa with milk.
  • Afternoon snack - fermented milk cheese.
  • Dinner - vegetable casserole, steamed meatballs, light herbal decoction with honey.
  • Before going to bed - 1 glass of fruit jelly.

Day 2:

  • Breakfast - boiled egg, dry bread, boiled oatmeal, apple and rosehip decoction.
  • Second breakfast - boiled dried fruit (1 glass) and dry biscuits.
  • Lunch - buckwheat soup, pumpkin puree, chicken zrazy, milk tea (sugar can be added).
  • Afternoon snack - 1 glass of milk, yogurt, kefir and toast (donuts not acceptable).
  • Dinner - noodles with steamed beef balls, vegetable salad with sour cream, cocoa. Before going to bed: 250 grams of low-fat fermented baked milk.

Day 3:

  • Breakfast - oatmeal, boiled fish, milk tea;
  • Second breakfast - milk jelly.
  • Lunch - vegetable soup with chicken, mashed potatoes and carrots, steamed cutlets, cocoa with milk.
  • Afternoon snack - fermented milk cheese.
  • Dinner - a meatball dish with boiled beans, toast, dried fruit.
  • Before going to bed - kefir or milk.


  • Breakfast - fermented milk cheese with honey, toast, dried fruit.
  • Second breakfast - kefir or 1 glass of milk.
  • Lunch - mashed potato soup, casserole with vegetables and rabbit, dried fruit.
  • Afternoon snack - mousse or milk soup with fresh fruit.
  • Dinner - rice porridge with boiled rabbit, boiled carrots and peas, milk tea.
  • Before going to bed - cocoa with milk and 2 oat biscuits.

Day 5:

  • Breakfast - boiled eggs, dry bread, boiled oatmeal, cocoa with milk.
  • Second breakfast - 1 glass of sweet oat broth.
  • Lunch - bean soup, steamed fish, grilled pumpkin.
  • Afternoon snack - milk jelly.
  • Dinner - stewed vegetables, steamed fish, rosehip broth.
  • Before going to bed - 1 glass of kefir biscuits and oatmeal.


  • Breakfast - buckwheat milk powder, milk soup, tea.
  • Second breakfast - baked fruit and a glass of milk.
  • Lunch - soup with cauliflower, zrazy with rice, cocoa with milk.
  • Afternoon snack - vegetable casserole and tea.
  • Dinner - steamed fish with carrots and peas, salad with vegetables and sour cream, rosehip decoction.


  • Breakfast - baked apple with curd filling, toast, juice.
  • Second breakfast - kefir or milk.
  • Lunch - vegetable soup with chicken, mashed potatoes and carrots, steamed cutlets, cocoa with milk.
  • Afternoon snack - fermented milk cheese with honey.
  • Dinner - noodles with boiled chicken, roasted pumpkin, cocoa with milk.
  • Before going to bed - 1 glass of fruit jelly.

In the acute phase of the disease, if such a diet is taken, the disease will quickly move into the remission phase of gastritis.

Oatmeal for gastritis

Menu of the week, option number 2

Those who follow the gastritis cure diet should plan their menu a week in advance with recipes. A clear action plan will help you avoid unhealthy snacking. It is much easier when the necessary food is prepared in the patient's refrigerator. And a person who knows how and what can be cooked quickly from them.


  • Morning - 7: 00 am. Steamed fish cutlet. Boiled potatoes. Tea.
  • Fortified - 10: 00. Low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Lunch - 13: 00. Barley pearl soup with vegetables. Buckwheat porridge with boiled meat. Quote.
  • Reinforcement - 16: 00. Crackers. Carrot juice.
  • Dinner - 18: 30-19: 00. Chicken meatballs grilled in the oven. Mashed potatoes on the water. Charlotte. Tea.
  • At night - 21: 00. A glass of low-fat kefir.


  • Morning - 7: 00 am. Oatmeal with egg whites. Tea.
  • Reinforcement - 10: 00. Bake apples.
  • Lunch - 13: 00. Low-fat vegetable soup. Boiled chicken rice porridge. Quote.
  • Reinforcement - 16: 00. Crackers. Spring drink.
  • Dinner - 18: 30-19: 00. Mashed potatoes with a slice of lean fish. Semolina pudding. Kiss.
  • At night. A glass of low-fat kefir.


  • Morning - 7: 00 am. Chicken meatball porridge. Milk tea.
  • Reinforcement - 10: 00. Stew with low-fat sour cream.
  • Lunch - 13: 00. Vegetable soup. Steamed rabbit meat stewed with vegetables. Quote.
  • Reinforcement - 16: 00. Crackers. Spring drink.
  • Dinner - 18: 30-19: 00. Oatmeal with half milk with chicken meatballs. Fresh berry juice.
  • At night - 21: 00. A glass of low-fat kefir.


  • Morning— 7: 00. Boiled tongue. Bang flour porridge with half milk. Tea.
  • Reinforcement - 10: 00. Baked apples.
  • Lunch - 13: 00. Delicious noodle soup. Mashed potatoes in water with boiled turkey. Quote.
  • Reinforcement - 16: 00. Biscuits galette. Spring drink.
  • Dinner - 18: 30-19: 00. Potato stew with minced meat. Tea.
  • At night - 21: 00. A glass of low-fat kefir.


  • Morning - 7: 00 am. Buckwheat porridge with protein omelette. Milk tea.
  • Reinforcement - 10: 00. Kiss.
  • Lunch - 13: 00. Vegetable soup. Chicken meatballs with pureed boiled vegetables. Quote.
  • Reinforcement - 16: 00. Crackers. Dried fruit compote.
  • Dinner - 18: 30-19: 00. Mashed potatoes on water with boiled fish. Tea.
  • At night - 21: 00. A glass of low-fat kefir.


  • Morning - 7: 00 am. Oatmeal with half milk. Steamed fish cakes from lean fish. Tea.
  • Fortified - 10: 00. Fresh low-fat cottage cheese. Baked apple.
  • Lunch - 13: 00. Vegetable soup. Boiled potatoes. Grilled beef. Quote.
  • Reinforcement - 16: 00. Crackers. Tea.
  • Dinner - 18: 30-19: 00. Grilled fish in the oven. Shredded boiled carrots. Tea.
  • At night - 21: 00. A glass of low-fat kefir.


  • Morning - 7: 00 am. Oven-roasted meat soufflé. Oatmeal with half milk. Tea.
  • Reinforcement - 10: 00. Carrot-apple soup.
  • Lunch - 13: 00. Vegetable soup rice. Buckwheat porridge with steamed rabbit cutlet. Carrot and banana juice.
  • Reinforcement - 16: 00. Crackers. Tea.
  • Dinner - 18: 30-19: 00. Mashed potatoes on the water. Boiled fish. Spring drink.
  • At night - 21: 00. A glass of low-fat kefir.

How to diet for congestive antral gastritis? Close control is required during the exacerbation and the first months after. But ideally, a patient diagnosed with gastritis should follow the guidelines during remission. However, there may be extended menus and holiday exceptions. If only within reasonable limits, and if we don't talk about coffee, tobacco, alcohol and fatty foods.

Recipes for gastritis

Dietetics offers different recipes for diversifying the diet for gastritis in adults and children. They have a delicate heat treatment, without the use of spices and fats.

The main principle of nutrition for people with stomach disease: food should be at a moderate temperature. Hot or cold meals will aggravate stomach ulcers. We will describe some recipes to eat at home with stomach ailments below.

Light breakfast for gastritis

Beef zrazy


  • 200 g of veal or lean beef;
  • 20 g of plain rice;
  • Banh Mi 30 g;
  • half a teaspoon of butter.


  • Grind the meat in a blender or meat grinder.
  • Add crackers.
  • Form a cake.
  • Put the rice and oil in the middle of each. It will add a creamy flavor.
  • Form zraz and send to double boiler or multicooker for 15 minutes.
zrazy cow cure gastritis

Steam particles


  • beef - 200 g,
  • roll - 10 g,
  • oil - 10 g.

Combine minced meat in a meat grinder with a piece of meat that has been soaked in water and pass through a meat grinder. Add water, salt and puree. Form into meatballs and steam.

gas balloon cure gastritis



  • pike perch - 200 g,
  • carrot - 5 g
  • gelatin, egg - 1/4.


  • Clean fish cut into small pieces and put in a pot of boiled vegetable broth.
  • Swollen gelatin is added to the resulting broth, mixed well and filtered through double gauze.
  • Put the fish in a bowl or mold, decorate the bottom with chopped carrots, pour the filtered broth and let it cool.
  • The pieces of fish are poured with broth and left to cool.
fish cure gastritis

Ice cream curd


  • curd mass - 100 g,
  • sugar - 25 g
  • butter, eggs - 1/4,
  • sour cream - 20 g,
  • vanilla sugar,
  • milk - 30 g,
  • flour - 5 g.


  • a sauce made from flour, milk, eggs, and sugar.
  • egg yolks are ground with flour and sugar,
  • pour with boiling milk and heat constantly stirring until thickened,
  • oil is added to the cooled block.
  • Shredded cottage cheese, vanilla sugar, sour cream are added to the resulting mixture,
  • the whole mass is thoroughly mashed and laid out in a salad bowl.
curd cream for gastritis

Milk soup with bread crumbs


  • milk - 400 g,
  • sugar, crackers - 50 g,
  • egg yolk - 1/3,
  • vanilla, oil, water - 50 g.


  • Crush white biscuits into boiled milk and water.
  • The yolk, which is ground with sugar, is added to the milk that has been removed from the fire, butter is added before serving.
Milk soup with bread for gastritis

I can . . .?

What is allowed and what is not allowed? List of basic foods and beverages.

  1. Fish - only low-fat marine fish such as pollock, cod, heke. Among the river fish, field perch and field perch are the most delicious. It is better to completely refuse canned and fried fish, in the process of producing them all the useful properties of any fish are lost, and a lot of spices and nutrients can be obtained. preservatives, carcinogens. For meat, it is best to steam fish, limit spices.
  2. Coffee - absolutely do not drink black coffee when gastritis on an empty stomach, even when drinking in large quantities, especially when the stomach increases acid. With low acidity, coffee or cocoa with milk is allowed, but only in limited quantities.
  3. Meat - you can eat when you have gastritis, but only low-fat varieties - beef, veal, chicken, rabbit. Steamed cutlets are especially useful for gastritis, as the meat is finely chopped and steamed. If it's just steamed meat, then you should chew it thoroughly and not eat too much, because any meat product is harmful to the stomach. Naturally, smoked sausages and smoked or unsmoked sausages can both be used for gastritis.
  4. Cheese - spicy or too salty cheese is not allowed for any gastritis, even regular hard cheese should be eaten in limited quantities in small slices.
  5. Banana - Can gastritis use bananas? This is a healthy fruit that contains a little fiber, is soft, easy to digest and contains a lot of nutrients that the body needs. And although the #5 diet prohibits fruits like dates and bananas, many gastroenterologists believe that moderate consumption is not harmful and that bananas should and can be eaten during gastritis.
  6. Watermelon is something that you can eat when you have gastritis, but only eat very little. With any acidity, you can eat only 1-2 slices.
  7. Squash is almost the hardest plant product not only for the stomach, but also for the pancreas and gallbladder. The digestive tract of a perfectly healthy person is also unlikely to withstand melons, so those suffering from gastritis should abandon such a dubious product.
  8. Chocolate - it is better to abandon this product altogether.
  9. Nuts, seeds, legumes - no nuts are recommended for gastritis, this also applies to nuts and legumes.
  10. Honey can be used as it has wound-healing properties and is considered a tonic and useful product. However, everything is fine in moderation, especially since many people may be allergic to bee products.
pollock has gastritis

Is it possible to get rid of gastritis completely?

In mild cases, with superficial gastritis, it is completely curable if you lead a healthy lifestyle and adhere to the following strict rules, in reality this is quite a difficult task. towel:

  1. Meals should be done 5-6 times a day, at certain hours, the last meal should be at least 2 hours before bedtime.
  2. Regularly adhere to the diet, do not eat dry food, fast food.
  3. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
  4. Eliminate overeating and long breaks during meals.
  5. Lack of physical strength, regularly monitor the condition of the body, do not overwork, do not overexert, sleep at least 8 hours a day at night and preferably 1 hour during the day.

You should also work on yourself in developing resistance to stress (anti-stress), or eliminating psycho-emotional overload.